
ENS L2 integration is a multi year project but more and more projects and chains are requesting ENS to integrate with their chain of choice (some chains even get proposal from other name services to operate as their canonical name service on the chain). This proposal is to split the development of L2 contracts into 3 phases and deploy first few phases as quickly as possible

Phase 1

You want users to be able to delegate their names at any level to an L2 and set and update records and subdomains there. Everything retains the same ownership, it's not tokenized or transferable on the L2. it just belongs to whoever owns it on the L1.

Phase 2

Deploy reverse registrar on l2 and set CCIP-read to read l2 specific reverse registrar on l1.

This is mostly to solve reverse record on L2 by smart contract. Unlike EOA, smart contract wallets cannot set primary record on l1 directly.

Phase 3

Step 2 is Step 1 + trusted issuer of domains that are tokenized or transferable on the L2. Users have to trust that they won't mess with the delegation from L1, but otherwise the tokens are of sovereign on that L2. Each issuer has their own token contract. Each token are on their own NFT collections (similar to dcl.eth being own NFT collection)

Phase 4

Total portability between L1 and L2. You can lock a name on L1, therefore transferring it to l2. The full architecture description is at Jeff’s gist

Phase 1 deliverables: Non Tokenised subname

Phase 2 deliverables: Reverse Registrar